Welcome home baby!
It has taken 900 years but I have finally set up the Swell Entertainment website.
When I was still in high school and really just starting out my Youtube journey with a whopping 44 subscribers, I learned about a little company called Mercedes. Obviously, this was not the first time I had ever heard of Mercedes, but this is when I learned about AMG Production which makes the Mercedes-AMG sports cars. If you are either a) a hardcore Swell Entertainment fan or b) convinced I was an industry plant and deep dove my backlog looking for proof, you may have clocked how in the first few videos I introduce the channel as AMG Productions.
AMG Productions Youtube channel logo
I am bad at all aspects of names, including remembering them and coming up with them. AMG Productions was just my name, Amanda Marie Golka Productions. I know, groundbreaking.
So when I was about seventeen and still believing I would one day become a Youtube legend, I knew I would have to change my channel name in an effort to avoid being sued by a car company in the distant future.
My friend Hannah suggested I do something with the word “swell” as I was an incredibly sarcastic teenager and “you say that all the time”. Thus AMG Productions was changed to Swell Entertainment (because I thought Swell Productions sounded like a porn or a dildo company).
My dad has been a domain hoarder since before I was old enough to comprehend what a domain was, so when I let him know I was changing the name, the first thing he did was buy me every iteration of a Swell Entertainment website name for $0.99 a pop. Way back in 2015.
Yes, I have had the ability to build this website since 2015. I’m so great at this.
Between the never-ending issues with Twitter, Tiktok, and Meta, I knew this year I needed to get this site set up. I want a space that is entirely under my control. No one else can yoink my access with the press of a button. The only person who can hit the nuclear button is me, Baby!
I’m very excited about the blog. I have been writing on Medium.com for about a year and a half now and I have really liked having the ability to cover a wide range of topics in a written format. The issue with Medium is that discoverability and monetization are a bit hit or miss. I’d rather make zero dollars and be in complete control than make $10 a month and not fully know how I’m making it.
So here you can expect me to do updates and write-ups on projects and topics that I don’t think warrant a full video or that I want to exist longer than the 24-hour limits of an Instagram story.
Welcome to SwellEntertainment.com