the power of showing up
Me being a stage mom apparently at Creator Clash 2
I guess I could instead title this post “The Power of showing up & Being Polite” but the main bit is about showing up. Taking the time to get to wherever you think you should be. Being polite is just the cherry on top that always leads to better results.
In the content creation industry, you would be shocked by the amount of people who just…don’t take the initiative to show up. I totally thought it would be the opposite, with how many grind culture enthusiasts are in this space.
I think I really picked up on it when people started telling me at events “I should have known you would be here; your’re everywhere” when we would bump into eachother. I thought it was a comment on me being a workaholic, but now I think it was more people thinking it was crazy that I would just buy a ticket to things and show up, even though I wasn’t invited.
I’ve talked about this in videos before, but I am not popular, I’m known-ish. I am at a platform size where alot of people in the industry know of me, but I’m not on the top of their minds when it comes time to make a guest list. So what has happened (a few times because I’m a little shit first and foremost) is I buy a ticket to a thing, find out about a party or side creator event that’s invite only, and pull up hoping for the best. Then some employee working said event says “oh it’s Swell, I love your videos have you met *insert name here*” and I get to stay.
I should also note that this is where being polite is important. (Amanda showing up to a thing without an invite isnt polite shhhh I’m trying to make a point don’t interrupt) What I never do is walk up like I am owed access to these spaces. If I get to stay? Cool thank you. Want me to go? Also cool have a nice day totally understand. The amount of times I have seen people be complete dickheads whether they were invited or not, or even a plus one is crazy and I never want to be that person. One dude *allegedly* tried to sneak into the 100Thieves party at Twitchcon last year by running and jumping over the barricade, fell on his face, then was asked to leave once staff knew he was okay. Don’t be this guy.
Me flying to New York for the Tony Awards
Sometimes it’s as simple as asking but not making the assumption. I dm’d Ian about going to the Creator Clash 2 press conference the day before and he said it was cool. The press conference was at the fighters hotel and was a VIP only area which I was not. In fact, I had multiple friends and mutuals tell me they were not going to Creator Clash 2 because they were told they could not get on VIP. Now for some it was a safety issue, massive creators and parasocial relationships and all that, but for some they just thought it wasn’t worth the trip if they couldn’t be VIP. So I went to the hotel for the press conference, fully expecting I was going to be told to stand against the wall and to leave once it was done. Instead I was given a wristband and lanyard and Anisa Jomha asked if I had already bought my ticket to the fight (I had because I set an alarm for when tickets went on sale because I am also insane). But see?! I showed up! And it worked out! And even if I had been asked to leave after the press conference it would have been fine, I would have gone and gotten dinner and gone to the fight the next day no problem.
I truly think the power of showing up works in tandem with being determined to have a good time wherever you go and whatever might happen. I would have had a good night in Tampa with or without that VIP pass, because thats what I wanted for myself.
If you are determined to have a good time, you will find a way to have a good time.
My dad is funny about things like that. We talk all the time, and sometimes he calls me when I’m at an event I’m reviewing and he hears me talk about some of the issues and things that have happened. “Oh I’m sorry sweetheart,” he says. “So is it a total waste of time? Are you mad you went?” I always have to laugh because this has been my life for a few years now and he still doesnt get that whether I complain about communication or a shitty blow up dinosaur or dust lodged in my sinuses I can make a video out of it. I have a new story to share, a new experience whether positive or negative. I’m never mad I went. And even if it qualifies as a waste of my time, this is my job, it’s a tax write off ba dum tsss.
(My dad on the other hand is very upset he went to the Social Gloves Battle of the Platforms fight in Miami in 2021 since it turned out that *at the time* no one was going to be paid and the ppv sales were fabricated even though I’m the one who paid for us to go. He still feels scammed even though I paid which I do think is funny.)
Even just this last month I was invited via email to a preview of Grey House, a new horror play on Broadway in New York City. I couldn’t tell if they knew I was not a New York based creator, but I frankly, did not really care. I love theater, horror, and I’m pursuing acting. You want to invite me to a preview for a Broadway play and talk with theater people and hear the playwright and director speak about it? I have already booked my flights.
I didnt get confirmation of the itinerary until after my flight landed in New York, the day before the show. Even if it had been cancelled (the writers strike started about a week before and I truly wasn’t sure if that would impact anything for the play) (also PAY YOUR WRITERS DAMMIT) I was in New York for the first time since I was 14, I was gonna make sure I had a good time.
There is a million other examples I could give as again I have literally made a job out of just showing up, but these are a few recent examples.
Take a chance! Go somewhere new! Show up and be determined to have fune!